Tried a different tech stack, but I'm sticking with Rails

I’m a Ruby on Rails developer by trade, but a couple of months ago I started learning Elixir/Phoenix and wanted to try building a product with it. I took some courses, read books and started building practice projects to get used to working with Elixir/Phoenix.

I think a lot of things clicked, working with Phoenix doesn’t feel as magical as Rails, and the syntax was pleasant enough to work with.

I don’t need to worry about scale until later with Elixir because of its performance. You hear testimonies about Elixir and it’s shocking how performant it is to Ruby, allowing you to reduce your infrastructure from hundreds of servers to just a few.

But then I started to think, why does this even matter? Will something I build even reach a scale that needs Elixir’s performance? Is Rails good enough?

The end goal for building a product is to solve a problem for users AND provide for my family in a meaningful way. To be honest, I don’t care too much about the tech.

Rails is the so called One Person Framework and seems like the perfect fit. There are a lot of bootstrappers I know who have successfully shipped products on their own or with just a few engineers. Plus, my entire career has been working with Ruby on Rails so I can ship quickly.

I learned a ton about Elixir/Phoenix and its ecosytem, but will set it aside for now. I don’t have margin to manage a full time job, family and other responsibilties alongside a new tech stack.

Elixir won’t get me to my goal quickly, so I’m going to stick with Rails, the tech stack I already know.